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Core Java - Interview Questions and Answers for 'Java 8' - 37 question(s) found - Order By Newest

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Not frequently asked as it was introduced with Java 8.
 Q1. Difference between final and effectively final ? Why is effectively final even required ?Core Java
Ans. Final variable means a variable that has been declared final and hence cannot be de referenced after initialization. Effective final means a variable that has not been declared final but haven't been reassigned the value after initialization.

First is the regulation that restricts the reassignment and will raise a compilation error if we try to do so. Second is the outcome without the restriction.

Effective Final is the eventual treatment of the variable that is required for many features. For eq - Java 8 requires that local variables referenced from a lambda expression must be final or effectively final.It means all local referenced from lambda expressions must be such that their value shouldn't be changed after initialization whether declared final or not.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java8   java 8   final   effective final   final vs effective final   lambda expressions      expert

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Not frequently asked as it was introduced with Java 8.
 Q2. What is StringJoiner ?Core Java
Ans. StringJoiner is a util method to construct a string with desired delimiter. This has been introduced with wef from Java 8.

Sample Code

StringJoiner strJoiner = new StringJoiner(".");
System.out.println(strJoiner); // prints Buggy.Bread

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java8   java 8   string   stringjoiner

 Q3. Why can't we have diamond problem with interfaces ?Core Java
Ans. Interfaces don't have member elements and method definitions that could cause diamond problem. With Java 8, Interfaces have default method definitions. This could have created diamond problem but Java introduced a compile time check for "duplicate default methods" in case same method is derived from multiple interfaces and no definition is overridden by the class.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     diamond problem  interfaces  java 8  default methods

Not frequently asked as it was introduced with Java 8.
 Q4. What is the use of Optional ?Core Java
Ans. Optional is a good way to protect application from runtime nullPointerException in case the the absent value has been represented as null. So basically Optional class provides the type checking during compile time and hence will never result in NPE.

For ex -

List> intList = new ArrayList>();
intList.add(Optional.of(new Employee("abc")));
intList.add(Optional.of(new Employee("xyz")));
intList.add(Optional.of(new Employee("123")));

So Now , even when the first list element is empty, this code will never throw an NullPointerException.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java8   java 8   optional

Rarely asked as it was introduced with Java 8.
 Q5. Name few "Optional" classes introduced with Java 8 ?Core Java

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 Q6. What was the driving force to introduce default methods in Interfaces wef from Java 8 ?Core Java
Ans. Earlier any class implementing an interface was supposed to implement all methods declared in an interface. There was no place for optionally implementing all or subset of methods.Though we have abstract classes wherein we could have provided such a mechanism by declaring some methods as abstract while providing definition for some. But as Abstract classes have a body and are comparatively heavier than interfaces and interfaces associate closely to the concept of providing interfacing than abstract classes, Java might have though of providing optional implementation for default methods. This way same interface can be reused in variety of ways rather than making copies of an interface to suit different needs.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java 8   java8  interface default methods  default methods     Asked in 6 Companies

 Q7. Is it ok to use optional everywhere just to get over nullpointerexception ?Core Java
Ans. Optional is to be used for arguments / atrributes which are indeed optional i.e the request should continue even if they aren't provided. It should not be used for mandatory attributes or arguments as we would like application to shout out ( with error message / exception trace ) to signify a problem.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     optional  nullpointerexception  java8  java 8     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q8. What is concurrent interface ?Core Java
Ans. ConcurrentMap is an interface and it is a member of the Java Collections Framework. It represents a Map that is capable of handling concurrent access to it without affecting the consistency of entries in a map. ConcurrentMap interface present in java.util.concurrent package.

HashMap operations are not synchronized, while Hashtable provides synchronization. Though Hashtable is thread-safe, it is not very efficient. To solve this issue, the Java Collections Framework introduced ConcurrentMap in Java 1.5.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     Concurrent Interface   java.util.concurrent   Java 8 Concurrency   java concurrency   java 8     Asked in 1 Companies

Not frequently asked as it was introduced with Java 8.
 Q9. What is the @FunctionalInterface annotation ?Core Java
Ans. This is an informative annotation that specify that the interface is a functional interface. A Function Interface has only one abstract method and many default methods. Compiler generates an error if the interface specified with the annotation doesn't abide by the specifications for functional interface.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java8   java 8   functional interface   default methods

Rarely asked as it was introduced with Java 8.
 Q10. Difference between DoubleSummaryStatistics , IntSummaryStatistics and LongSummaryStatistics ?Core Java
Ans. They all does the same task i.e to compute statistical information on the stream of data. They differ by the way they store the statistical information as they expect a different data type of the values being used.

IntSummaryStatistics and LongSummaryStatistics expect non floating point values and hence stores the statistical information like min,max and sum as non floating values ( int or long ) whereas DoubleSummaryStatistics stores these information as floating value.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java8   java 8   lambda expressions   doublesummarystatistics   intsummarystatistics   longsummarystatistics   summarystatistics

Rarely asked as it was introduced with Java 8.
 Q11. What are the changes in in Java 8 ?Core Java

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 Q12. Name few Java Util classes introduced with Java 8 ?Core Java

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java.util   util   java 8   java8

Rarely asked as it was introduced with Java 8.
 Q13. Name few java.lang classes introduced with Java 8 ?Core Java

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java.lang   java8   java 8

Rarely asked as it was introduced with Java 8.
 Q14. What is DocLint in Java 8 ?Core Java
Ans. DocLint Provide a means to detect errors in Javadoc comments early in the development cycle and in a way that is easily linked back to the source code.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java 8   doclint   java8 features

Rarely asked as it was introduced with Java 8.
 Q15. What are the errors identified by DocLint ?Core Java
Ans. Bad syntax, such as unescaped characters or unmatched parentheses

Bad HTML, such as invalid or missing tags or attributes

Bad references, such as referencing a non-existent type with @see

Accessibility errors, such as a missing summary or caption from a table

Missing info, such as an undocumented parameter

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java8   java 8   doclint

Rarely asked as it was introduced with Java 8.
 Q16. Which keyword specify that a variable is effectively final ? a. final b. No Keyword c. Both of the above d. None of the aboveCore Java
Ans. No Keyword

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java 8   java8   final   effectively final        rare

Rarely asked as it was introduced with Java 8.
 Q17. Which of the following has been introduced with Java 8 ? a. StringBuffer b. StringBuilder c. StringFilter d. StringJoinerCore Java
Ans. StringJoiner

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java8   java 8   string   stringjoiner

 Q18. Does default methods introduce multiple inheritance and the Diamond problem in Java 8 ?Core Java
Ans. Default methods results in multiple inheritance of behavior and not of state. In case we try to implement multiple interfaces with default method having same name and signature, and don't override it in implementation class, it will throw an error.

For example -

interface MyInterface {
public void default myMethod(){

interface MyInterface2 {
public void default myMethod(){

class MyClass implements MyInterface,MyInterface2 {

This code will compilation error "Duplicate Default Method"

if we specify the definition of myMethod() in myClass, compiler won't complain and there is no conflict and MyClass can use overridden definition. But if we don't override myMethod() in MyClass, Java would be in conflict as to what definition should be carried to MyClass and hence throws compilation error.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     default methods  java 8  multiple inheritance  object oriented programming (oops)  oops concepts  diamond problem   interfaces

Rarely asked as it was introduced with Java 8.
 Q19. What is the use of :: operator wef from Java 8 ?Core Java
Ans. We can refer to a function using this operator like System.out.println(;

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     :: operator   lambda expression  java 8

 Q20. How Spliterator in Java 8 different than iterator ?Core Java
Ans. Though there are many differences the way internally they both iterates the collections and streams respectively, but the main difference in performance that is achieved by spliterator as it can iterate Streams in Parallel whereas iterator only iterates collections sequentially.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java8  java 8  spliterator  java 8 streams  streams

 Q21. What is a method reference in Java ?Core Java
Ans. Introduced with java 8 , Method References help us to point to methods by their name.

A method references is described using :: symbol

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     method reference  java 8  lambda expressions

 Q22. Explain Java 8 concurrency mechanism.Core Java
 This question was recently asked at 'IBM'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     synchronization  concurrency  java 8  java8     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q23. Lets say we have a set "set1" with objects of Class A, Class has a non static string called element1, Write a code ( using lambda expression ) to see if there is any object in the set with element1 = "Hello". Core Java


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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     lambda expressions  java 8  java8  java 8 filter  findAny()

 Q24. Given a collection of Employee objects, how can we get the customers with name starting with 'A' using lambda expression.Core Java
Ans. List emp = Arrays.asList("American", "Indian", "Finn"); -> em.startsWith("A")).forEach(System.out.println);

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java8  java 8  lambda     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q25. How can i split a linked list in two parts in java 8?Core Java
Ans. This can be done using a Spliterator.

LinkedList list = Arrays.asList("names","numbs","birds","animals");
Spliterator split1 = list.Spliterator();
Spliterator split2 = split1.Spliterator();

Now, the LinkedList is split into split1 and split2.
use split2 first then split1 to check the output.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java 8  parallel stream  spliterator     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q26. How do you define a functional interface?Core Java
Ans. Create interface with the only one non-overriding abstract method and annotate it with @FunctionalInterface

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     functional interface  java 8     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q27. What are we doing here,
Core Java
Ans. We are averaging elements of a collection by element1 grouped by element1

* list is the reference of collection
* element1 is the member element returned by getElement1 method of ClassA
* element2 is the member element returned by getElement2 method of ClassA

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java 8  collections  java 8 streams  collectors

 Q28. What will the following code return,
Core Java
Ans. Map<DataType1,DataType2> where DataType1 is the data type of element1 ( returned by getelement1 method ) and DataType2 is the data type of element2 ( returned by getElement2 method )

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java 8  collections  java 8 streams

 Q29. Write code to get count of every 5 letter word in a string using lambda expression

Core Java
Ans. String str = "I had been saying that he had been there";

Map<String,Long> countWords = Arrays.asList(str.split(" ")).stream().filter(p->p.length() = 5).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(p->p,Collectors.counting()));


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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     Collectors  lambda  filter  coding  java 8

 Q30. Can you explain filter and collectors in java 8 ?Core Java
Ans. Filters are used to filter object in stream on certain criteria.
Collector is used to collect outcome of the stream. Collector is a terminal operation.
List numbers = List.of(1,2,3,4,5,6,7);
List evenNumbers = -> n%2==0).collect(Collectors.toList());
The above code will filter out odd numbers and return the list of even number.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     collectors  filters  java 8

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